Access ramp as an elevation for electric and hybrid vehicles

Some hybrid but also e-vehicles, such as the TESLA Model 3 Performance, are so low on the road that they cannot be driven onto an above-ground flat carrier lift without damaging the front lip. For such cases we offer the access ramp GG-D1000.H50. Their access angle is dimensioned in such a way that low-lying hybrid and electric vehicles can be positioned on the flat beam lifting platform without being damaged. With flat beam scissor lifts, it can also happen that the space between the vehicle underbody and flat beam is too small to align the rubber blocks EV-040.XOP and EV-060.IDT under the vehicle. The ramp can also be used in this case. Placed under all four wheels, the vehicle's ground clearance can be increased by 50 mm. The electro rubber blocks can be easily pushed and positioned between the sill mount and the flat carrier lifter. In addition to low-lying hybrid and electric vehicles, the ramp is also suitable for low-lying conventional sports cars, custom cars or vehicles with defective hydragas or air suspension systems.spension.